Yellow Jacket Control

Yellow Jacket Pest Control

Yellow jackets are a dangerous stinging insect that are commonly found buzzing around trash and picnics. Getting stung by a yellow jacket can be painful as well as mark a target with an alarm pheromone that alerts other yellow jackets to a threat. Dealing with yellow jackets isn’t recommended without the help of professionals. EcoGuard Pest Management provides guaranteed yellow jacket services for your residential or commercial property. Our yellow jacket extermination professionals are licensed and experienced in locating and treating yellow jacket hives to ensure that your property is yellow jacket free. 

Call today for a free estimate. 866-326-2847

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All Natural Services

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Experienced Yellow Jacket Exterminators

Yellow jackets are a threat to individuals because they are aggressive and can sting multiple times since they do not lose their stinger like bees do. EcoGuard Pest Management has been providing yellow jacket control services since 2008 and we understand how dangerous these pests are which make them difficult to get under control. We will treat any problematic areas to ensure that the yellow jackets are totally exterminated and implement measures to prevent them from returning.

EcoGuard offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee for all of our customers and we stand by our promise to eradicate your problem until the very last yellow jacket is gone. That yellow jacket control guarantee comes with every service and if they come back, then so do we, at no additional cost. We are standing by to give you a free estimate and schedule your inspection. Give us a call today!


Why Professional Yellow Jacket Treatment is Necessary 

Dealing with yellow jackets should not be done without professional help. These insects are aggressive and can swarm a victim easily without provocation. To make matters worse, yellow jackets release a pheromone that marks a threat when they sting so other yellow jackets know what to target. Their nests are also difficult to find because, unlike other flying stinging insects, yellow jackets often nest underground. Even if their nest is found, dealing with a swarm of angry yellow jackets should not be attempted by an untrained individual due to the inherent danger that comes with suffering several stings from multiple yellow jackets. 

EcoGuard Pest Free Process

Step 1: Inspection – EcoGuard offers a full inspection to identify any signs of pest activity. This evaluation determines where the pests may be coming from and what may be causing the pest problem.

Step 2: Treatment – Once the problem is identified, EcoGuard implements a custom integrated pest management plan that uses a multi-faceted approach to stop pests and then prevent further issues. We will also instruct homeowners on how to minimize the potential of a recurring pest problem.

Step 3: Exclusion – After the pests are eradicated, exclusion tactics will be implemented to seal any gaps and block any unnecessary openings to help keep pests from reentering your home.

Step 4: Maintain – Once initial treatment is completed, services will continue to ensure that any remaining pests are eliminated as well as continue to provide preventative support.

Yellow Jacket Treatment

EcoGuard Pest Management is a leader in yellow jacket control methodology & service.

EcoGuard Pest Management prides itself on using the products with the least environmental impact. Some of our customers opt for our all-natural pest solutions. We have all natural yellow jacket control solutions that might be a good fit for your situation. 

At EcoGuard Pest Management we are experienced and knowledgeable with all types of yellow jacket control. Our experienced pest control technicians will exterminate any yellow jackets and keep your family safe. Every time we treat your property, we will inspect harborage areas for activity and treat the home to keep all yellow jacket issues under control. If you have yellow jackets invading your home, call EcoGuard today!


A licensed yellow jacket extermination technician will search a property for areas where yellow jackets are most likely to build nests. When a nest is identified, the technician will create a customized strategy best suited to remove the nest carefully to minimize any potential for yellow jackets to swarm and cause bodily injury. 

Yellow jacket Traps

Yellow jackets are known to travel long distances for food so sometimes nests are not close by. If that is the case, traps can be left out to attract yellow jackets to ensure they are captured and no longer present any danger.

Yellow Jacket Treatment

If a nest is located, it can be treated with a chemical, fog, or dust insecticide application. The insecticides applied to the nest are designed to infect the yellow jackets causing their death after they return from foraging for food. It is important to leave the nest in case not all yellow jackets from the colony are present so any remaining yellow jackets that return get infected.

Nest Removal

Once a colony has been treated and appears to have experienced a full colony collapse, the nest can be removed. It is important that this is still executed by a trained professional in the event that not all the yellow jackets are dead as they will get hostile when the colony is disturbed. 


Once a yellow jacket nest is removed, it is critical that steps are taken to ensure that the yellow jackets are not provided with resources that will encourage them to return. EcoGuard’s technicians will help seal any openings that may look appealing as well as educate the homeowner on how to minimize the potential of another yellow jacket colony making a nest close by.

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Yellow Jacket Information

Most people won’t know they have a yellow jacket problem until it is too late because seeing yellow jackets flying around usually means that there is a nest close by. Yellow jackets are slightly smaller than other wasps and bees, but they are far more aggressive which makes them problematic. They are commonly found foraging for food like sweets and proteins which they can get naturally from insects and nectar and from other resources like trash and sweet drinks. This makes yellow jacket interactions common and increases the likelihood of getting stung. 

Identifying Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are a common type of wasp that have yellow and black markings similar to bees. They are generally about a half inch long with a segmented body with a thin waist. They are a little smaller than other wasps and bees which make them easier to identify. They are aggressive and have no issue coming in close to inspect new surroundings for signs of food. 

Signs of a Yellow Jacket Infestation

Yellow jacket indicators typically include seeing yellow jackets themselves or coming across a nest. For the sake of one’s safety, let’s hope it isn’t coming across a nest. This is because yellow jackets are aggressive and territorial. They won’t hesitate to attack someone or something that gets too close to their home. Theses nests are usually constructed out of a paper made from chewed up cellulose and can be located above ground hanging from trees or eaves or buried underground.

Yellow Jacket Behavior

Yellow jackets will spend most of their day foraging for food for their colony. They feed primarily on sweets like nectar and sugary drinks and proteins like other insects and trash. This is why they are commonly seeing invading picnics and other outdoor celebrations where there is food and drinks available. They will return to their nests with whatever food they find to help provide for the larvae. These nests can be found anywhere but yellow jackets are one of the few flying, stinging insects that live underground. 

Yellow Jacket Colony Hierarchy

Colonies of yellow jackets will grow throughout the year before it is time to mate. During the year, upwards of close to a thousand yellow jackets can populate one nest. During spring and most of summer, the yellow jackets that are hatched are sterile females. By the end of summer, the shortened days and dropping temperatures will indicate to the colony that fertile females and males are needed. These fertile female yellow jackets will mate before hibernating and becoming the next year’s queens. The males and sterile female workers will all die off from the cold. 

Are Yellow Jackets Dangerous?

Yellow jackets are dangerous for several reasons. They are particularly aggressive and territorial of their nests. This combined with the fact that they release a trigger pheromone after stinging that warns other yellow jackets of a threat and makes them extremely hostile. They also have smooth stingers which allows yellow jackets to sting repeatedly in a short period of time. All of this combined, means that yellow jackets can deliver a deadly number of stings if they are able to swarm a potential threat. For some, this is made even worse due to an allergic reaction they may have to the yellow jacket sting. 

Preventing Yellow Jackets

Preventing yellow jackets requires eliminating the things that attract them and eliminating any access they may have. This usually includes:

  • Cleaning up trash and debris
  • Keeping trash sealed
  • Eliminating sweet drinks
  • Using yellow jackets traps
  • Repair any damages window or door screens

How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets

Getting rid of yellow jackets is a complicated matter that is extremely dangerous without the right training and equipment. It is recommended that professional help is enlisted to implement the following steps to remove a yellow jacket nest:

  • Wear protective gear to prevent yellow jacket stings
  • Locate nest
  • Identify access points into the nest
  • Treat each access point and interior of nest
  • Wait 24 hours
  • Check for yellow jacket activity

Yellow Jacket Control FAQs

  • How do exterminators get rid of yellow jackets?

    Exterminators must treat yellow jackets carefully because they are so dangerous. Unless the proper precautions are taken, there is serious risk of stinging injuries. Once an exterminator is prepared, they will need to locate the nest and treat the nest to eliminate all yellow jackets.

  • Should you exterminate yellow jackets?

    Yellow jackets are technically a beneficial insect that feed on garden variety pests like caterpillars and flies. But they also pose a threat and can deliver painful stings. The danger they pose outweighs the benefit they provide so yellow jacket activity should be eliminated if possible. 

  • What kills yellow jackets naturally?

    Yellow jackets can be killed naturally using dry ice. Pieces of dry ice can be dropped into the openings of a yellow jacket nest before the openings are sealed. The carbon dioxide that is released by the yellow jackets will humanely suffocate the yellow jackets trapped inside the nest. 

Additional Yellow Jacket Resources

yellow jacket eating a lady bug larvae
By Gary Anderson January 10, 2025
Learn more about what yellow jackets eat from the experts at EcoGuard Pest Management.
Stinging Pest Similarities & Differences
By Gary Anderson August 18, 2021
Learn the similarities and difference of local stinging pest from the experts at EcoGuard Pest Management.

Additional Pest Commonly Treated

See our Pest Library for a full list of insects we treat for. If you don’t see what you are looking for give us a call. We are always here to help! EcoGuard Pest Management provides eco-friendly services for both residential and commercial properties.

Why Choose EcoGuard?

EcoGuard approaches each job with integrated pest management (IPM) as our primary focus. IPM is defined by using “Pesticides that pose the least possible hazard and are effective in a manner that minimizes risks to people, property, and the environment, and are used only after careful monitoring indicates they are needed according to pre-established guidelines and treatment thresholds.” Our proximity to the subject property allows us to closely monitor all pest activity and employ the highest standards of IPM available today.

In addition to customized IPM strategies, we care about our customers and being a family owned and local business we treat everyone like our neighbors. In addition to being reputable and standing by the highest standards of customer service we also offer:
  • A pest free guarantee 
  • Green & ecofriendly pesticides that are state approved
  • Licensed, bonded, and insured services
  • Competitive pricing 

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