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What Repels Mice?

Gary Anderson • November 2, 2021

There are several natural mouse repellents that supposedly work to prevent mice from invading your home or business. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of some of these strategies are questionable because only a handful of the mice repellents have shown that they are effective at deterring mice. Some of these strategies may only provide some short-term relief, but mice are adaptable and will overcome minor discomforts if that is what stands in their way of a meal. It is important to note that it can also much more difficult to get rid of mice with these techniques if they have already established a nest inside your home. 

What Scents Will Keep Mice Away?

Mice have an extremely strong sense of smell that they use to navigate the world around them. They have developed this sense as a way of ensuring that they can find food as well as stay away from areas that smell like potential predators. There are smells that mice avoid as well as smells that are so overpowering that they can confuse mice and cause them to lose the scent of a potential meal or predator close by. The different smells that deter mice will be explored below to determine the truth of their effectiveness. 

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Diagram that explores which scents repel mice and which smells do not.

What Repels Mice Naturally?

While there are several household items that mice dislike, several of those items can also prompt negative reactions in humans and pets. The following are all natural mouse deterrents that can be used around the house. We explore these different natural mice repellents to determine if they are effective at deterring mice.

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Are Natural Mouse Repellents Effective?

While the natural mouse repellent strategies seem to be the easiest to implement, most are ineffective if used incorrectly, need to be applied in large amounts, or have little evidence that supports that the repellents work. The more effective strategies all require the use of harsh smelling household items or chemicals. Other effective strategies include using physical barriers and predators.

Mind map of 6 different natural mice repellents and how effective they are.

What Essential Oils Repel Mice?

While several of the natural remedies may not be effective because they are not strong enough by themselves, their concentrated essential oils may pack enough of a punch to be effective. We’ll explore if the following essential oils may provide some extra help when using just the natural remedy is not enough to deter mice. 

Table that explores 4 essential oils that potentially repel mice and how effective they are as a mouse deterrent.
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Other Mice Deterrents Homeowners Can Use Against Mice

While many of the most common mouse deterrents rely on a mouse’s sense of smell, there are other strategies that can be used. One of these strategies is an effective exclusion tactic that professionals use to keep mice out while the other has a less proven track record of effectiveness. 

Things to Know About Mice Repellents

  • In the time you spend using natural repellents to combat mice, their populations could explode. An adult mouse can produce 100+ babies a year.
  • Where to place deterrents is critical because you want to target common pathways, hiding places, and areas with food.
  • After the mouse has left, exclusion strategies must be implemented immediately to prevent the mouse’s return.
  • A mouse’s survival instinct will kick in and the mouse will find resources to avoid starvation even if it means overcoming unpleasant smells and noises.
  • Ultrasonic frequency repellents don’t work through walls

How to Keep Mice Away from Outside of Your House

Mice prevention strategies are a great way to help deter mice from your home. The problem is that mice are incredibly smart and are great at finding their way inside. Proper exclusion methods will need to be implemented to minimize the potential for mice activity and the spread of mice related diseases. There are a few strategies that homeowners can implement but without the right training and experience it is much better to rely on the help of professionals to do the job for you.

Mice Exclusion

Exclusion tactics include any measure designed to keep mice out of your home.

  • Repairing damages: Repairs will help block access points and eliminate any unnecessary cracks and crevices.
  • Using steel wool: Steel wool is easy to cram into a hole, opening, crack, or crevice and mice generally won’t try and chew through it.
  • Close openings: Seal vents with mesh caging and place door sweeps under exterior doors to minimize access points for mice. 

Remove What Attracts Mice

Mice need food, water, and shelter to sustain themselves and their young. By removing at least one of these resources, homeowners can minimize the likelihood of a mice problem.

  • Cleaning the mess: The best offense is a good defense. To deter mice, get rid of what is attracting them. Clean up all areas and remove any instances of food or drink that may attract mice. Also be sure to clean up after rodents that are already a problem because the smell of mice urine attracts mates.
  • Fix leaks and remove sources of water: Aside from food, mice also need a source of water to stay hydrated. By fixing leaks and sources of available water, you can remove one of the elements mice need to thrive.


Mice use the cover of shrubs and tall grass to reach the exterior foundation of a home.

  • Keep bushes trimmed back: Mice can use outside shrubbery for cover when trying to find access points to your home. Cutting bushes back away from a home will create a gap that will expose mice to predators like cats and birds of prey.
  • Keep lawns trimmed: By keeping grass cut short homeowners can remove the cover of tall grass that mice use to get around. 

Professional Mouse Control

Professional rodent control uses integrated pest management strategies to ensure that mice and other pests are prevented all together. If there are signs of pest activity, a modest approach with minimal harsh chemical pesticides is used to help eliminate the problem effectively and efficiently. 

Contact EcoGuard Pest Management if You Are Dealing with Mice Problems

Due to the ineffectiveness of most of the reported natural mice repellents, professional mice control is recommended for your mice and rat problems. If you are seeing signs of mice activity you should call EcoGuard Pest Management to schedule a free rodent inspection today. A licensed mice exterminator will be out shortly to inspect your home for signs of mice and will provide you an estimate for quick and effective treatment. 

Mouse Repellant FAQs

  • What smell do mice hate?

    Mice are said to dislike the smell of peppermint, cayenne pepper, chili peppers, and cloves. These may provide some relief from mice but if the mice are hungry enough or have gotten acclimated to the smell, the scents are said to be less effective. 

  • What repels mice?

    The best repellent to get rid of mice is to have ongoing pest control services to help observe for mice activity and treat the problem when it occurs. EcoGuard Pest Management uses an integrated pest management approach that implements preventative measures to help stop mice using strategies that are proven to be effective.

  • Do dryer sheets repel mice?

    Dryer sheets are thought to be effective at deterring mice because the scent is overwhelming to their sensitive noses. The efficacy of dryer sheets has shown to be poor, so they are not a recommended mouse deterrent.

  • Do mice hate the smell of vinegar?

    White vinegar can be used to try and deter mice but the amount that it would require would create enough of a smell to cause human’s discomfort. 

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