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What Are Cockroaches?

Gary Anderson • June 17, 2022

Cockroaches are a common nuisance pest that belongs to the order of Blattodea. There are over 4,500 known species all over the world with 30 different species being your everyday household invader. Most roach species are social insects, and they will nest in areas with high cockroach concentrations due to pheromones they release that are designed to attract mates. They are extremely durable, nocturnal, and prolific breeders which make them a threat to any household. Their populations may go unnoticed for some time before they are found which can give a small roach population enough time to explode in a short period. 

Cockroach Appearance

Cockroaches are identified by their long, flat, oval bodies with small heads, long thin antennae, six legs, and shiny dark exoskeletons. They have large compound eyes with mandibles that hang under their heads. Most household cockroaches are between a ½ inch to 2 inches in length with the biggest species reaching up to 4 inches. Most cockroach species’ males have wings but not all are capable of flight while most females are wingless. 

Signs of Cockroaches

Cockroach infestations can get out of hand quickly, so it is critical to identify when you have a cockroach problem as soon as possible. Looking for signs of cockroaches is a good place to start so be sure to look for:

  • Cockroach feces that resemble black pepper or coffee grounds
  • Cockroaches that have died or are still active
  • Cockroach ootheca, or egg cases
  • Molted cockroach skins
  • Unpleasant musty odors

Finding signs of cockroaches is never a good thing. They are problematic and can spread deadly pathogens around a home. Ensuring that cockroaches are dealt with as soon as signs of cockroach activity is found is critical to managing their population growth. 

Where Do You Find Cockroaches?

Knowing where to look for cockroaches is important when trying to determine if you have a cockroach problem. Most cockroaches are found in tropical to mild climates which is why when they are in your home, they prefer dark, warm, & humid environments. They will stay hidden until night and will avoid well lit areas where they are visible to predators. This is why cockroaches will scurry under the nearest place to hide when the lights are turned on. They also will be most prevalent where there is clear access to moisture and food. Look for access points in bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms around plumbing to see if you can find signs of cockroaches. They will use the space between pipes and walls to gain access to areas that are likely to have enough moisture to survive. The other thing they need is food so they will also be found near food sources. This is why the kitchen is a common place to find cockroach activity. Some species of cockroaches prefer to stay outdoors. These species follow the same pattern as household cockroaches, and will be found near water, food, and shelter. 

Cockroach Behavior

Cockroaches are nocturnal social insects that tend to gather in small clusters. While they are not hive minded like ants or termites, cockroaches still communicate and interact with each other regularly. Much of this communication is done using pheromones that are excreted through glands on their bodies and in their feces. This ability to communicate helps cockroaches find the four things they need: food, water, shelter, and mates. The pheromones help identify same species cockroaches to group with to maximize the chances of mating. As more cockroaches join a nest, the stronger the smell of pheromones will be, which indicates to other cockroaches that the nest is safe, and resources are abundant. Similar to ants, the pheromones can also be used to help cockroaches follow each other to food and water resources. 

Cockroach Reproduction & Life Cycle

A cockroach’s life cycle starts with an egg and moves through a few stages over several months before reaching maturity. A female cockroach will carry or hide an egg case called an ootheca, which typically contains between 10 – 50 cockroach eggs. In the right conditions, these eggs will hatch in a couple of weeks before emerging as cockroach nymphs. Depending on species, cockroach nymphs will go through 6 - 13 molting phases. Species with more molting phases can take several months to reach maturity. Upon reaching maturity, cockroaches will be able to continue the reproductive cycle. Most cockroaches will be able to produce between 7 – 9 egg cases in their lifetimes and will survive in optimal conditions with ample resources for up to a year. 

What Attracts Cockroaches?

There are 4 things that cockroaches are attracted to and that is food, water, shelter, and mates. Cockroaches seem to understand that the pheromones left by other cockroaches will lead them to places that have what they need to survive. The stronger the smell, the more cockroaches have gathered, which indicates that there are enough resources to sustain a cockroach nest. This means that cockroaches will find mates, food, water, and shelter where other cockroaches have decided to stay. Even searching for resources when a nest is not around will lead them to food since cockroaches will eat just about anything. They have sensitive sensory organs that help them smell even the smallest amount of food close by.

What Do Cockroaches Eat?

Cockroaches are omnivorous scavengers that consume everything in their path, but they prefer sugary foods, meats, and starches. They can feed on just about anything humans can consume in addition to dirt, dust, hair, glue, leather, soap, toothpaste, detritus, and even other dead cockroaches. Even without food being available, cockroaches can still survive for up to a month without food and a week without water.

Cockroach Species 

There are several common household species of cockroaches. Each cockroach species is similar in many ways but have some small distinctions that make them unique:

  • American Cockroach: Grows up to 2 inches in length and tends to be reddish brown.
  • German Cockroach: Reaches a ½ inch long when mature and is typically a light brown.
  • Oriental Cockroach: Is typically about 1 inch long and is a shiny black or dark brown.
  • Brown Banded Cockroach: Similar in size to a German cockroach with 2 brown bands across its back.

How Did I Get Cockroaches?

Cockroaches are an extremely adaptable and pervasive pest that can find their way into your home through any small crack or crevice. Since cockroaches can fit in cracks as thin as a dime, it is easy for them to find access points in the foundation, in wall cavities, pipe entry points, etc. Some species like oriental cockroaches that are commonly found in sewers can swim and make their way in through the drains of sinks and toilets. Other cockroaches will be attracted to light so they will move inside through open doors and windows when it gets dark outside. Smaller cockroaches like German cockroaches can catch a ride into your home inside of groceries, furniture, and cardboard boxes. The other place cockroaches might be coming from is your neighbors. If they have an infestation, there is a good chance that cockroaches will eventually find your property.

Are Cockroaches a Threat?

Cockroaches do not have stingers but that does not mean that they are completely harmless. They have been known to bite humans in rare cases when food resources are scarce. That being said, they are not venomous, and the bites are just an attempt to feed on dead skin and typically not painful. The danger that comes from cockroaches stems primarily from their ability to spread disease, carry parasites, contaminate food, and trigger allergies. Cockroaches are a filthy pest that will carry dangerous pathogens from where they live and spread those diseases to the food humans consume as they search for resources to feed on. They can also contaminate surfaces where food is prepared, utensils, and dishes. They also can trigger allergies and asthma responses from their waste, shed skin, and dried saliva that ends up breaking down into dust particulates and contaminating the air we breathe when it gets disturbed. 

Cockroach Facts

  • Sanitation plays a critical role in helping to mitigate cockroach populations
  • Cockroaches are a prehistoric pest that have been around since the time of the dinosaurs
  • Cockroaches can live without food for up to a month and without water for weeks
  • Some species of cockroaches only require females to be fertilized once and can produce viable eggs for the rest of their lives
  • Cockroaches can survive without a head for up to a week
  • Cockroaches are some of the most adaptable pests on the planet with species on every continent except for Antarctica
  • Cockroaches are fast and can reach speeds of 3 miles per hour
  • There are over 4,000 known species of cockroaches

How to Prevent Cockroaches

Prevention is the first step in managing cockroach populations. There are several tactics homeowners can take to help stop a cockroach problem before it starts. The best way to prevent cockroaches include cleaning and sanitation but the following steps are all important to remember as well:

  • Keep food stored off the ground in plastic airtight containers
  • Keep stoves, ovens, grills, and other cooking surfaces clear of grease and leftover food
  • Fix leaking faucets, pipes, toilets, and seal the area where pipes pass through walls
  • Seal any cracks or crevices near doors, windows, and baseboards
  • Remove old cardboard boxes and replace with plastic tubs for storage
  • When bringing in food from the grocery store, look for unexpected hitchhikers
  • Keep trash sealed and trash cans cleaned
  • Continue to monitor for cockroach activity using glue traps
  • Do not leave out pet food and water
  • Wash any dishes, cookware, and utensils when done eating
  • Clean up spilled food or drinks
  • Vacuum regularly to pick up potential food and egg cases
  • Repair screen doors and install weather stripping around doors

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Getting rid of cockroaches can be a stressful project once an infestation has taken hold. It is important to treat cockroaches using an integrated pest management approach that leverages the benefits of several treatment methods. This helps maximize the chances of effective treatment, so your cockroach problem is completely eradicated. The different treatment strategies that can be used to fight cockroach populations include:

  • Local spot treatment: This is effective when treating cockroach nests with active populations. This treatment kills on contact and stops cockroaches immediately.
  • Exterior pesticide spray application: This treatment uses a residual pesticide to create a barrier around your home that will infect cockroaches when they try to cross the pesticide.
  • Glue traps: This treatment option uses sticky adhesive pads to trap cockroaches that get stuck when they come in contact with the trap.
  • Pesticide foggers: This treatment option uses an aerosol pesticide spray that fills a room and permeates all areas where cockroaches might be. It is not normally recommended due to how ineffective they can be if not used properly. 

Contact EcoGuard if You Have Seen Signs of Cockroaches

If you have seen cockroaches around your home, it is time to enlist the help of professional cockroach control experts because seeing cockroaches is usually indicative of a much larger infestation. Our team at EcoGuard Pest Management is licensed and has years of experience effectively terminating cockroach problems. We can send out an exterminator to inspect your property for problematic areas that are prone to an infestation. After we determine where the infestation is and how severe of a cockroach problem you have, we can create a customized treatment strategy designed to exterminate your cockroach problem. Call today to schedule an inspection! 

Cockroach FAQs

  • What are cockroaches afraid of?

    Cockroaches are afraid of disturbances and will avoid any thing that they deem a threat. This includes humans, pets, and any other animal or bug bigger than them. Cockroaches perceive each of these groups as a threat or predator which triggers a fear reaction to hide when discovered. 

  • How dirty are cockroaches?

    Cockroaches thrive in any area rich with food and water resources which include places like the trash and sewers. This exposes them to rotting or decaying food or sewage that is likely carrying dangerous pathogens. 

  • Can cockroaches hurt you?

    Cockroaches are known to bite humans on occasion, but the bites are typically painless and not much of a threat to humans. That being said, the biggest threat they pose is the danger they present from food contamination. 

  • How hard is it to get rid of cockroaches?

    Cockroaches can be extremely difficult to get rid of because they hide, and they reproduce at an alarming rate. The egg cases they produce are also not affected by traditional treatment options so even if cockroaches have been eradicated, the eggs the leave behind may hatch shortly and cause a resurgence in their numbers. Treating cockroaches effectively often requires the help of professionals to ensure the job is done correctly and completely. 

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