Termite Fumigation

Termite Fumigation & Tenting

Drywood termites create nest within the wooden structures of your home so if an infestation is severe enough, the only way to really ensure that termites are completely eradicated is to utilize termite fumigation & tenting. This strategy is effective because there are several places that can be overlooked or inaccessible to local spot treatment and fumigation can permeate the entire structure as well as penetrate the wood. This ensures that even the deepest caverns of the termite nest are infected with the pesticides that are released during fumigation. 

What is Termite Tenting & Fumigation

Termite tenting & fumigation is a termite control strategy that gets rid of a termite infestation by filling a durable plastic tent that covers your home with termiticide gasses. These gasses are an effective termite treatment designed to cause the entire colony to collapse. The tent keeps the dangerous gasses inside where they need to be to be effective while creating a barrier that will stop people and animals from accessing the property until the treatment is completed. This helps circulate the gasses thoroughly through the covered structure so the gasses can permeate walls and get deep into any cavities caused by termites. While this strategy is the most effective way of combatting termite infestations, it’s a strategy that also requires some planning before execution. This is largely due to the fact that a family will have to relocate for several days to a week while a home is being fumigated.

How Does Termite Fumigation Work?

During termite fumigation, a fumigant is released that will circulate throughout the home and penetrate hard to reach places like inside wall cavities, cracks, crevices, and inside the wood itself. Termites will eventually be exposed to these termiticides which act as a nerve agent that causes them to die. Once enough time has passed and enough of the colony has been infected, the rest of the colony will collapse without the support of enough workers, the queen, and king. 

Termite Fumigation vs Spot Treatment

Whole House Fumigation & Tenting

  • Effectively eradicates all termite colonies including satellite colonies that are hard to find or inaccessible
  • One treatment is guaranteed to exterminate all termites
  • No drilling or demolition necessary to penetrate hard to reach areas
  • Preparation is required to ensure that fumigants don’t impact plants, food, and other consumables
  • Families must vacate a home for 3 – 7 days while tenting is up, and fumigants are active
  • Costs for treatment are higher and can include additional expenses like room and board and kennel costs

Spot Treatment

  • Colonies can only be treated if found and accessible
  • Enough termites can survive spot treatment to reestablish the colony which may require multiple treatments
  • In order to find colonies, some discovery drilling and demolition may be required to effectively treat termites
  • Local spot treatment requires a thorough inspection
  • Families will have to vacate for a short period of time while pesticides dry
  • Costs are much more affordable but can require multiple treatments

Termite Fumigation Process

1 Week Prior to Tenting

This is generally when the inspection occurs and the original appointment for termite fumigation is scheduled. During this appointment, the technician be sure to go over any preparations that are required for tenting to move forward. NyloFume bags will be provided for consumable products that will be left at the property. At this time, the details of the process will be outlined to the homeowners, all documents will be signed, and a lockbox can be provided to the homeowners to provide the fumigation team with the keys. The property owner will also be instructed on how to schedule gas shutoff with their energy provider. The property owner will also need to schedule their gas being turn back on, called a fumigation unlock, at this point to ensure timely return of their service. Gas companies are frequently booked a few days out for this service so it is imperative to schedule ahead of time. 

Day Before Tenting

The day before is critical to the tenting process because several steps need to be completed before tenting can take place. All preparations must be completed including having the gas turned off by the utility company. Generally, this appointment with the utility company needs to be scheduled a couple days in advance. The account holder is the only one who can schedule for the service to be reactivated. In addition to double checking the preparation checklist, the ground around the property must be saturated enough to create an effective ground seal. 

Day 1 of Fumigation

On the first day of the fumigation process, the termite fumigation team will come in and tent and seal in the structure. This requires the team to climb onto the roof to release plastic tarps that extend down to the ground. These tarps are connected so as they fall, the structure of the home becomes completely enveloped. The base of these tarps are secured with weighted sand bags that help create a seal and contain the fumigants. Once the structure is tented, an inspector will enter the home for the final time to ensure that the house is cleared of humans and pets and to ensure that all preparations have been implemented. Any safes, locked cabinets and vehicles under the tent need to be accessible to clear of humans and animals. After the inspector gives his approval, the fumigants will be released into the structure. The gasses must be allowed to permeate the structure for at least 12 hours. 

Day 2 of Fumigation

Once the gas has been allowed to permeate all wooden structures inside of a home for a certain amount of time, the aeration process will start as the fumigants are released through vents. At this time, the fumigation team will do a quick check to ensure that the fumigants are being released properly and that the integrity of the tent was maintained. 

Final Day of Fumigation

The tenting will be removed on the final day of fumigation and a member of the fumigation team will check the air quality inside the structure to ensure that it is safe for re-entry. A ppm device is used to ensure the air inside is under the appropriate levels. Once the air quality inside is safe, a notice of re-entry will be placed at the front entry and gas meter for the family and utility companies. This notice is important to keep until the gas is turned back on because the utility company won’t turn on the gas without it. The final day of fumigation is when the gas is usually turned back on if scheduled properly. The utility company should arrive between 5-8pm and requires someone over the age of 18 to grant them access to the meter.

Day After Tenting

If gas service were not returned the final day of fumigation the next day is the best option. Be sure to have the notice provided by the fumigation team, to ensure that the gas is turned back on promptly. When the team member from the utility company comes, they will check all gas appliances and gas lines to ensure that everything is functioning properly.

How to Prepare for Termite Fumigation?

Fumigation preparations include:

  • The removal of all people, pets, plants, and fish aquariums
  • All food and medications must be removed or stored in containers that have an airtight seal to prevent contamination
  • Power must be left on, but certain appliances must be disconnected
  • Gas must be turned off prior to tenting
  • Outdoor potted plants should be moved away from the home to create a gap for the tent
  • Vegetation, shrubs, and branches should also be cut back to create a gap for the tent
  • Soil 12 inches from the foundation must be soaked
  • Loose gravel, mulch, and decorative bark should all be moved 12 inches away from the foundation
  • Storage, firewood, or any other debris against a home should be moved 12 inches to provide clearance for the tent
  • Any sharp objects like rooftop antennas should be removed prior to tenting
  • Fence railing connected to the house must be disconnected to provide clearance for the tent
  • Double bags clothes to ensure that fumigants don’t contaminate items that will eventually come in contact with humans
  • Open all interior doors and closets to provide fumigants with the least obstacles possible
  • Leave the keys for the fumigation team

In addition to home preparation, additional accommodations are necessary because the house will need to be vacant during fumigation. This generally requires at least 3 days at a local hotel or staying with friends to ensure that fumigation can be completed. 

For immediate service for all of your termite inspection concerns please call 866-326-2847 or complete this form.

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Is Termite Fumigation Effective?

Termite tenting and fumigation is generally the most effective treatment against active drywood termite colonies. That being said, it is not an effective treatment against subterranean termites who live underground. These termites require a separate treatment because subterranean termite queens live underground, and they can continue to produce eggs that will develop into workers that will support and continue to grow the colony. In order for termite fumigation to kill termites completely, an inspection must reveal that drywood termites are causing the infestation because this species will create their colonies within the wooden structure, allowing fumigants to reach the queen. 

Is Termite Fumigation Safe?

Termite fumigation is a complex process that requires a lot of prep work to ensure the safety of those involved. There is some risk due to the fumigants that are used but an experienced and certified fumigation team will ensure that appropriate protocols are followed to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment while keeping your family safe from harm. In addition, EcoGuard’s termite experts will use equipment designed to measure the parts per million of fumigant gasses left after aeration so they know it is safe for a family to return to.

How Much Does Termite Fumigation Cost?

The cost of termite fumigation varies based on several factors like size of home, how severe the infestation is, the duration of the fumigation, the amount of fumigant used, and location. Generally, the average cost falls somewhere in between $10 and $20 dollars per linear foot which comes out to between $2000 and $4000 for most standard sized homes. EcoGuard Pest Management will work with your budget to ensure that we provide you with the best value possible.

What to Do After Termite Fumigation

After the termite fumigation is completed, be sure to clean all surfaces, especially any that may be used when eating or cooking to prevent exposure to the fumigants. Clothes, linens, or bedding that was not sealed properly should be washed to remove any residue left by the fumigants.

Contact EcoGuard Pest Management Termite Experts to Schedule a Termite Fumigation

If you have seen signs of termites or termite activity, it is important that you have an experienced EcoGuard Pest Control technician come out and inspect your property. If drywood termites are identified as the problem, termite fumigation may be an appropriate response to prevent further structural damage. Call an EcoGuard Termite Fumigation specialist today to discuss treatment options that may work for you and to schedule an inspection right away. 

Termite Fumigation FAQs

  • How effective is fumigation for termites?

    Fumigation done properly kills 100% of drywood termites but does not effectively eradicate subterranean termites that live underground. 

  • How long does termite fumigation last?

    The termite fumigation process generally takes 3 days and 2 nights to complete but can sometimes take a little longer if the size of the house warrants it. 

  • What does termite fumigation cost?

    The typical cost of termite fumigation can range from $2000 to $4000 depending on several factors like size of house and severity of infestation. 

  • Do I need to wash clothes after termite fumigation?

    Your clothes should be bagged prior to fumigation to prevent contamination so if proper preparation steps were taken, clothes should not need to be washed.  

Why Choose EcoGuard?

EcoGuard approaches each job with integrated pest management (IPM) as our primary focus. IPM is defined by using “Pesticides that pose the least possible hazard and are effective in a manner that minimizes risks to people, property, and the environment, and are used only after careful monitoring indicates they are needed according to pre-established guidelines and treatment thresholds.” Our proximity to the subject property allows us to closely monitor all pest activity and employ the highest standards of IPM available today.

In addition to customized IPM strategies, we care about our customers and being a family owned and local business we treat everyone like our neighbors. In addition to being reputable and standing by the highest standards of customer service we also offer:
  • A pest free guarantee 
  • Green & eco-friendly pesticides that are state approved
  • Licensed, bonded, and insured services
  • Competitive pricing 

Excellent Reviews


757 reviews on Yelp
Ray Q.
The representative name Curtis came by and helped me for all the pest control services around my household. My appointment scheduled between 9 AM to 12 PM...
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Traci B.
quality it great, Nickolas H. is awesome goes above and beyond Always come back if I need other services
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Patrick M.
Not quite sure I'm happy with the Termite "Inspection" I received. I was told there would be pictures attached to the report from under my house, yet there...
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